The Berkshire Herd

Photo Aug 21, 8 20 54 AM.jpg

The first time we saw John Boy’s pigs living free in the woods (their natural habitat!), and saw how he fed and cared for them, it was easy to understand why they look this way - fat and happy!

These are no ordinary pigs. They are registered Berkshires, which means the breed comes from the Shire of Berks, in England. So, their ancestors are immigrants and part of what makes America great. Of all the animals on the farm, John says the pigs are almost like humans. Understandably, the relationship between them and JB is truly unique. When we saw this bond, we knew we had gotten involved with a very special farmer.

John let us toss the Berkshires a few apples, and a couple of the crew recorded the chorus of chomping and snorting as they competed in the mud for these delicacies. Today, John's herd is up to 126 ... and growing!


- Ken Marsolais,
Producer & Director